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Kathleen David's weblog

Wonderful Wednesday or Hump Day or Whatever Wednesday

Posted By on January 23, 2019

Might make this Whatever Wednesday from now on.

Theme of the day gives me a jumping off point for writing an entry.

Wonderful Wednesday came from my time at Emory. For my first two years there we had classes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday was often lab day for the various courses we were taking. Wednesday was our day to catch up on work and get ready for our next set of classes. Not that really happened but it was useful to keep up with courses. They got rid of Wonderful Wednesday when we went from quarters to semesters and changed the grading scale a bit too.  I think I was the only one of my siblings that experienced it.

This week so far has been a bit of a loss. Caroline has midterms so things are not like the usual are during a school week. There are some other things that showed up and the weather is doing me no favors.

The colder it gets the more I have to be careful now. Part of my right lung is not operating at capacity due to abuse on my part when I was in theater and afterwards where I did not use a respirator and particulate matter has lodged in my lungs. Because I have diminished lung capacity, the cold air going into the lungs does not warm up as quickly as it did so I have a pain in my chest and I feel a little short of breath. I have talked to my doctor and know what I have to look out for and what I can do to minimize this effect. Scarves are my friends now.

Sometimes getting older stinks but, as Peter puts it, sure as heck beats the alternative.

I am grateful for the ability to breath.


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