No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

So there is this anthology…

Posted By on January 21, 2019

This year the Crazy Eight Press Anthology is a series of pulp stories written by various authors and edited by Robert Greenberger entitled Thrilling Adventure Yarns.

And I have a hard boiled detective story that will be published in it.

We have a Kickstarter for it that started yesterday and runs through February 19, 2019.

You can find that here

I have agreed to tuckerize two people within the novel and the details of that are on the web page. Tuckerization is named after the late great Wilson “Bob” Tucker and it is a fandom term for using a real person’s name in a story as a form of shout out or in-joke and yes I have been tuckerized more than once. Peter was the murder victim in one of his friend Roberta’s mystery novels.

My story is done but I am currently trying to trim it down to closer to the word count, which is an interesting exercise in itself. 

I am pretty happy with the story. The current title is “Trouble came walking through My Door” which may change.

Please take a look and feel free to share the kickstarter. 

You really want to be able to read Peter’s story which is a stretch goal. It’s a lot of fun.

I am grateful I have this opportunity.


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