No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Rain or Snow: Let’s spin the wheel of weather

Posted By on January 19, 2019

Currently we are slated for rain, which will freeze overnight.

The good thing is that Caroline has Monday off so I am not worrying about slipping and sliding.

Right now it is overcast.

If the front moves the wrong way then we get snow but the line keeps moving north so rain it is for us.

Caroline is off at Model Un for the day.

Peter has an appointment with his eye doctor for his annual check-up. His eyes have been changing so there may be an adjustment in his prescription.

I am rewriting a short story and it is harder than I thought to trim this. I need to give up some of it that I really like but it has to go because it doesn’t move the story forward. I have an easier time editing other people.

According to a couple of articles on memory and getting things done, it is better to write things down and draw things out to keep it in the memory. There is apparently a bit of a disconnect if one does it electronically.

There is another article about how the lack of teaching cursive in school is bad for brains. Apparently cursive activates another part of the brain that printing does not. Caroline knows the basics of cursive and given time she can write in it but it is more difficult for her than it is for me.

I have pulled out a couple of notebooks and started writing down lists. It is both relieving and frustrating at the same time. It gives me more of an idea of how long things are taking as opposed to how long I think it is going to take.

I am grateful for lists that work.


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