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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday Flow the Zone

Posted By on January 15, 2019

There are two words that are used for when you feel you are most productive which are flow and zone. Flow being that the work is moving forward effortlessly or with less effort than usual and Zone being that time when you can do no wrong or at least get all your seams right.

When I am in that state the world vanished and I am working my way to the end of a project. There is just me and the project. My brain clicks along and problem solves like a champ.

It is nice when there is nothing but you and your work. It is why when I take a workshop I can get so much done because that is all I am doing. Time flies by.

I have been trying to do the same thing with other things in my life. I can get in the Zone at the gym pretty easily after a lot of going to the gym. I go in and the world vanishes until I am done with what I want to do.

I can get into the flow when cleaning. If I can get into the zone, I am a whirlwind. If not then it feels like I am pulling teeth but I know it needs to be done.

Never got into the zone with a video game but I have watched others do so.

I like it when the time flies by and the task gets done.

Recently I have experienced neither flow nor zone for many reasons and I have been trying to get myself back to that point. I missed that feeling a lot.

I am grateful for those times when things just click and I can get stuff done.


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