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Kathleen David's weblog

Almost two weeks into 2019

Posted By on January 13, 2019

Batton Lash passed away due to brain cancer. Batton has rightfully been described at the gentleman of comics. He was always dressed dapperly. He was very giving of his time and knowledge to newer people in the industry. I enjoyed the conversations we had at various comic book conventions. My sympathies to his wife Jackie Estrada and his family and friends. He will be missed by many of us in the industry.

We are avoiding the first round of snow this year in the Northeast. It passed below us and hit Baltimore, Washington DC and I believe Philadelphia with some of it in New Jersey. There is another front that is currently forecast to drop snow on us for about a week but I will believe that when we get closer to that event next week. Whatever falls is going to stick due to the freezing temperatures of this week.

I have a list of things I need to do and things I want to do. I am taking today to regroup and then onto the lists on Monday. I am finally over this cold/flu thing and my energy levels are approaching normal which means it was viral not bacterial in nature.

Farpoint is rapidly moving towards us. I have a couple of things I need to do before that show.

I am grateful for cats to warm my feet.


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