No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Morning Musings Beginning 2019

Posted By on January 7, 2019

And yes I am still typing 2018 on things and have to check myself. It almost feels surreal that we are in the year 2019. I have no idea why this year is hitting me as THE FUTURE more than other dates. Might have to do with the number of novels and films that have 2019 as the year in which they took place. We still don’t have flying cars and the way people drive it is probably a good thing. 2020 is going to write its own jokes.

Most of my creative last week was writing with a little drawing as well. This week I want to do more in the puppet and doll realm.

Before that today, however, I have some things that need to be done. Epiphany or 12thnight was Sunday so the lights need to come down and be put away for the year. I also made my first batch of chicken soup for the season so there are some pots that just don’t fit in the dishwasher and I have soaking. And laundry, we are at that point when laundry needs to be done. 

We have been watching Star Trek: Discovery and are really enjoying it. Peter pointed out that if they had shown the first two episodes on CBS, we probably would have bought the all access pass for the season. We have three more to go to complete season one. Our only peccadillo is the predictability as to what happens next. We get to a big reveal on something like who someone is and we said yep saw that coming several episodes ago. It is the little surprises and the crew interaction that we are really enjoying. It is not as clever as the creators think it is.

Caroline starts Robotics this week which means we really won’t see her until March or April as it becomes all encompassing while they are building and competing with the robot. Dinners also became simpler because they feed the kids there so it is just Peter and me for dinner during the week. They have the kids do their homework before getting into robot land so she comes home pretty much ready to go to bed.

So I have my day planned. Let’s see what happens to put a spanner in it this time around.

I am grateful I did get my story done and to the editor.


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