No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Turning the Corner right into a Wall

Posted By on January 4, 2019

I picked up a cold with a fever somewhere in my travels to the South.

It started last year on New Year’s Eve with an inkling that it was incubating within the day before.

Since then I have been dealing with coughing, sneezing, and the fever. I hate it when I cough so hard I lose my cookies and whatever else I ate.

Yesterday I thought I was improving when I got up but by the afternoon we were back to feeling like death lightly warmed over.

This morning I think I am feeling better but a sneezing fit reminded me that I might be better but I am still not entirely over this bug.

On the positive side, I am not running a fever for the first time in a couple of days.

I am writing a short story for an anthology and I am well into it. I know my word count or rather what I am trying to get to. The story will permit the length. It has been fun to write but there are sections to get to the next bit that is like pulling teeth. I need this part of the story for the end to make sense but it has been hard to write that scene to my liking. Something I have discovered over my years of writing, I can’t write a later scene and then work towards it. I have to do it in order or my brain just hits that wall and won’t go through. But that’s my process.

About a month to Farpoint and I know what I want to get done before that. It is a matter of finding my missing box of sculpting tools. They were not in the place they should be but I do remember using them with Caroline to sculpt some critters so now there are a couple of places they could have landed. I found the box I keep them in but there is nothing in there or I have a second box that looks like it.

I am working on my website. Next step is photos to show what I can do then a price list for commissions and some ready made for sale including a Doctor or two possible a Holmes and Watson set along with other puppets I have done and need to go to new homes.

The other project on my plate is the revamp of the David Family Patreon site. I hope to get that in place before Farpoint.

Then there is what needs to get done around the house to keep it operating.

I am hoping that my cold will not stop me from doing what I need/want to do however I will pay attention and not over do it putting me back to where I was yesterday. I just wish my nose/sinuses didn’t hurt as much.

I am grateful to have no fever.


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