No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Last Day 2018

Posted By on December 31, 2018

I managed to get some of the computer set up but am still having some issues that I am working through.

Sort of like the past year. I had a number of issues that I had to work through.

But now having done that and gotten things set up, I need to move forward from where I am.

As I write this it is raining outside and our local dropping of the ball in the village was cancelled. I don’t think this is going to deter anyone in Time Square but they are not going to be comfortable between the wind and the rain.

New Year’s Eve this year feels like a bit of a pause in anticipation of a next year. Most New Year’s Eve(s) feel like that to me. This day is out with the old and in with the new including that calendar swap. Easier than the time change.

My plan for next year, because I refuse to call it a resolution, is to work on some creative endeavor each and every day. Whether it is writing or sculpting or sewing, I will do something in the creative arts. Get into a habit as it were.

The gym is going to be a nightmare for about a month or so as everyone comes back for a while and then either sticks with it or wanders elsewhere. But I plan to stick to my schedule.

I am going to take 2019 by the horns and make it my own.

Hope the new year is good to y’all.

Let’s be kind to each other and treat everyone as we would like to be treated.

I am grateful for tech that works.


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