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Kathleen David's weblog

Reflecting back on 2018

Posted By on December 30, 2018

One thing I notice is that I blogged less than I have in other years. Not a good or bad thing just an observation. I think I am going to try to write on my web log with a little more consistency next year.

Another thing I noticed having flipped through a years worth of blog entries, I have lost a lot of friends and acquaintances to death this past year. The really big body blow was Harlan. The second was Stan. Then there were the little hits that just kept coming all year long.

I saw a number of good films over the year. The Marvel selection was marvelous. This was the year of Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity Wars, and Spider-man into the Spider-verse. Peter was thanked at the end of Aquaman in the credits. There were other films that I enjoyed including the Green Book, Ralph breaks the Internet, Crimes of Grindwald, and RBG.

I read not as many books as I have in previous years and most of them were non-fiction. I did edit an anthology this year with Peter and had a story in it. I have a few things that might be published next year. I guess I am now a professional writer. Well I have been for years but I think I feel comfortable acknowledging the title.

I got a lot of puppets to a lot of people this year. Some had been requested and others I did and just gave them. Reactions have been good with lots of thank you’s and complimenting my art work. 

Six years ago we told the world that Peter had a stroke. He’s still here and recovered from that and some other health issues that he had had to deal with over the years many of them originating from that dark time. The specter of that day six years ago does still hover over us. 

Medically this year was a bit of a roller coaster for me. One thing led to another to creating a Magical Medical Mystery Tour that ended with ‘Not Cancer’, which was a big relief off of my mind. I did learn the consequences of not using the correct safety equipment when working with particular matter. Also I never want to do cardiac catheterization again. It feels like bees moving through your body.

Did I get everything done that I wanted to this year? No. But name a year where that did happen. I did get a lot done and next year I am hoping to get more done.

I am grateful that Peter is still here and still Peter.


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