No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Christmas Eve 2018

Posted By on December 24, 2018

Caroline and I made the drive from Long Island to Atlanta with a pit stop in North Carolina to visit with Ariel, Anthony, and A.J. Peter had some things happen that made the trip not a good idea for him. So he is at home working on various projects and overseeing the cats.

We were doing fine until we hit the Delaware boarder where our GPS informed us there were four hours of delays on our route and would we like to save three and half hours. We said yes and ended up on the 301 taking the Bay Bridge across and on down to DC where we used our Easy Pass to get around about another hour to two hours worth of traffic heading to Richmond. Then lost an hour and a half in traffic that was going at a top speed of twenty miles an hour but usually hovering around five miles.

I have no idea what happened to Delaware but the state turned into a parking lot on I-95.

Eventually we made it to Ariel’s neck of the woods after thirteen and a half hour drive which should take about nine hours in decent traffic.

We spend Sunday morning and afternoon with Ariel, A.J, and Anthony. A.J. had to show me his toys and how he cleans up his room to get ready for bed. We had a good visit with them and left for Atlanta.

That leg of the trip was, for the most part, problem free. There was a downpour that was over about a quickly as it arrived but it dumped a lot of water in a short time making the drive a little tricky for a while.

We arrived at my parents about 9:30 pm. We were fed and went to bed.

This morning has been rather quiet which is nice. We are listening to ‘A Festival of Nine Carols and Lessons’ as we have done for many years.

This evening the family gathers for our Christmas Eve dinner that is more important to us than the Christmas dinner. There is comfort in ritual repeated through the years. We will go to midnight mass today.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate the holiday.

I wish everyone a Happy Holiday and hope that you get what you need in your life.

I am grateful that we arrived safely.


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