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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Solstice Y’all December 2018 edition

Posted By on December 21, 2018

To my readers who celebrate the solstice, both winter and summer today, I wish you a blessed solstice.

Apparently we are going to have some cosmic fun over the next couple of days including a full moon which is called the Cold Moon in the northern hemisphere and a meteor shower as well.

Tomorrow we begin our travels south. 

Today is all about the packing.

I did get everything I wanted to do yesterday done which feels good. 

The cats do know that something is up and are sticking close to me. 

My mind is in the here and now as I try to make sure I have everything we need for travel. I am starting a bag of stuff for the car with things like the easy pass and the cords for the Garmin along with the Garmin. 

I figure if I pile up the things we need as I think of them, less chance of forgetting them.

Off to get ready.

Think good traffic thoughts for us tomorrow.

I am grateful for things that will allow me to have smooth travel.


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