No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Morning Musings Twas the Week before Christmas Eve 2018

Posted By on December 17, 2018

This weekend and the end of last week was a busy one for me.

Thursday found us in the city where I went to see the Harry Potter exhibit at the New York Historical Society Museum. The exhibit was more about the books than the films or the play although they are mentioned. They have a number of JK Rowling’s original sketches for the characters and all kinds of fun interactive stuff to do along with a lot to read as you go along.

I attended the Magnolia Pictures Holiday Party and caught up with people I have met there over the years. It was fun.

Friday was a lot of travel for various reasons.

Saturday we saw Aquaman. Peter for the second time as he attended the LA premiere on Wednesday and Caroline and me for the first time. I enjoyed it and have to agree to the reviewer who said it was the best Marvel movie that DC has made to date. Caroline said afterwards, ‘No animals were harmed in the making of this film however we did go through twenty-three Jason Momoas.’ No it is not a perfect film but it is a good action flick with some incredible effects. You can tell there was more than one writer on this one.

Sunday I attended an Artist Brunch that some friends host. It is an interesting group of creative types and we help each other with brain storming on an idea or how/where to promote their work or whatever we end of talking about. I always learning something and walk away with a renewed creative spirit.

This week we have a few scheduled things but most of the week will involve getting ready for next week and the travel, which starts on Saturday.

It is nice having a pause before the run to the end of the year. In this pause is a lot of coordinating of things and making sure I can find things we have obtained over the year for people. I have found most of it.

I have a few things that MUST GET DONE before I get out of town. I guess I’ll start with those and then move onto the rest.

I am grateful for finding lost things.


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