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Kathleen David's weblog

24 days left in 2018

Posted By on December 7, 2018

And then we are onto the next year.

We do have a lot packed into that 24 days including a birthday party, a world premiere, a number of dentist appointments, a number of doctor appointments, events to attend, and regular life to deal with.

Not much time to breath or think. It is very much a do time.

But that is how this month goes for many people. December can be packed with social events and activities racing us to the next year before we know it.

Today is Caroline’s birthday party which is dinner and a movie with some of her friends.

Tomorrow Caroline and I will be trekking into the city so she can visit with some friends and I can run some errands.

I think we are clear on Sunday then we tumble into the activities for the next week.

There are things I need to start getting together for our Christmas visit to my parents as well.

Life can move rather fast. I expect that I will still be surprised when the year changes even with knowing how much of 2018 is left.

Off to get some stuff done.

I am grateful for the time I have before the year turns.


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