No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Caroline at 16

Posted By on December 5, 2018

16 years ago Caroline came into this world and my life has never been the same.

I would not trade a minute of that time for anything.

I have watched my baby grown into a young lady with her own likes and dislikes.

She has her own fandoms and things that she loves. She loves anime. She attended her first anime convention this year and had a lot of fun. She met other people who loved what she loved and got to geek out with her fellow fans.

She has her own musical tastes but loves a lot of music I have shared with her over the years. We have a third generation Beatles fan here.

Her sense of style is rather distinctly her own. It shows in her artwork which she has been working very hard on. She is a doodler and a drawer who goes through about a sketchpad a month. She learned how to animate this past summer and has made some really clever short animation. She has a knack for it.

Dear Caroline,

Now you are old enough to learn how to drive and get a job and so many other things that are moving you to adulthood.

I know you go in with a level head and your eyes open. You are a very practical person who sorts out the good and the bad with each decision you make.

You excel in school and work very hard for your grades. You have a good study ethic that will become your work ethic down the road. I am very proud of all your effort to do you best even in adverse circumstances.

I enjoy watching you come into your own. You are honing your skills and abilities and now can do so much on your own. We will work on the sewing this next year.

Your creativity leaves me breathless. Your brain can create such stories and characters that I want to read and know better. You see the world through such an interesting lens.

I love you very much and look forward to what you will do in the next year.

Also your father and I have concluded that the tossing of nifflers will now be a birthday tradition.

Your mamamamamamamamamamamamamama


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