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Kathleen David's weblog

Wednesday which is my bowling night

Posted By on November 28, 2018

This year Peter and his team asked me to join them as one of their bowlers had to tap out due to health issues. It’s nice because it is another couple that we have known for years. We do OK and Caroline loves that she gets the house to herself for a couple of hours.

Next Wednesday is Caroline’s 16th birthday. It is one of those ages that make a parent stop and think a bit about the time that has gone. She will be two years from being an adult and five years from the drinking age. She is closer to going to college than entering kindergarten. A lot has happened in that time and I have many treasured memories from those years. I look forward to what she does next.

I am looking at apps that monitor how you are using your time during the day. I think it might be helpful to know what I am doing most when to see if it is something I can expand, reduce, or eliminate from my day. I need to be more efficient to get more done in the same amount of time.

I also want to put some ‘me time’ in there. Self-care is not selfish care. I need to recharge so I can take care of the other people in my life. Yes, I do have to remind myself of that. I am no good when I have no energy or drive.

The holidays come up really don’t help with stress. There are a lot of different things going on in December.

First up for me on December 1st is SqueeCon in New Haven where I am a guest of the convention. It is fandom from the female POV. Peter and Caroline are going to visit Peter’s sister and Caroline’s cousins.

And then we are off to the races until January 4th with various activities each weekend leading to Christmas and then New Years. Then I think Farpoint is our next convention.

I am grateful for things that make me happy.


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