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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday So Now What?

Posted By on November 27, 2018

There comes a point in one’s creative journey where one starts to think about where to go or what to do next to push their comfort zone further along.

We get comfortable in what we do and there is an impulse to rest on one’s laurels.

But, as an artist, I have to fight this urge.

Also I never think what I made is as good as I could make it. I see flaws that others never know about because they see the whole and I still see the pieces.

I am looking at selling the puppets I have already made and opening up making custom puppets for fans of their favorite characters. This includes a half-formed idea of making sets of hand puppets like a Supernatual set or a Once Upon a Time set but those would not be cheap. There is something there but not quite to the point of executing it.

Every year for New Years I talk about making a puppet site where people could order puppets or buy ready made puppets. I am trying to figure out where I could put such a site and get some traffic to it.

Etsy is out because of the shipping costs along with their new policies that would make me have to sell the puppets for about 20% more than I want to. Plus the signal to noise ratio there makes it hard for someone to get seen unless you pay for the privilege.

There are other sites that are trying to be the next Etsy but none seem to have the things I need for the selling of puppets.

So that seems to be my next scary step in my artistic journey.

That and continuing to make better and better puppets.

I know I have improved over the years. There are puppets I can do now that there was no way I could have done when I started.

Now I have to find ways to promote myself and my art. That is hard for me to do. I can and have promoted the heck out of other people’s projects but have a hard time doing the same for me. I guess I will have to get over that and just go for it because I love building puppets.

I am grateful for all the puppet opportunities I have had and will have.


One Response to “Crafty Tuesday So Now What?”

  1. CharlieE says:

    If you are able to get your own websites built, you can go to Paypal and set up to sell via their service to take payments. You create ‘Sell Now’ buttons to use as you see fit. That is how we presently do it.

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