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Kathleen David's weblog

History Repeats itself

Posted By on November 26, 2018

According to Facebook, eight years ago Caroline was not in school because she was sick. I have a photo of her with her cat snuggled up next to her. This morning Caroline was very sniffy and running a fever so she is home from school and her cat is sitting on the couch watching over her.

The weather is also a repeat of the weather a number of years ago. The dark grey clouds with a hint of precipitation to come but the form will be determined by the temperature.

I find that I tend to write in my personal diary about the same things around this time of year. Repeating patterns of behavior and promises to myself broken over and over shortly after writing them down. At least I can reference when I tend to go off the rails during different points of the year.

My computer is slowly slowing down to a crawl when I try to do something on it. Yes, it is an older MacBook Pro but it still works all be it slowly. Downloading takes a lot of time. Mail can take most of the day to load completely. Now part of it is our Internet connection with a very slow router but I can take it to places with modern internet and it still takes its sweet time getting things onto the computer. I want to replace it before I can no longer get a computer that I can plug things into. I am, at this point, willing to lose the CD rom drive but I don’t want to lose my ability to attach things to the computer.

Figuring out the day since the sick child takes priority over all. She is sleeping now and I am hoping that helps her. These are the times that I wish I had magic powers to make her feel better. Instead I make her tea and cover her with soft blankets.

I am grateful for Figaro the cat who still keeps an eye on her human especially when she is not feeling well.


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