No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Ladies and Gentlemen Start Your Keyboards

Posted By on November 1, 2018

Blessed All Saints Day to those who celebrate it. Saints are interesting to read about especially those that were ‘converted’ from the local religion to a Christian paradigm to make it easier to convert people of the area. And then there are the holy men and women who stood up for what they believed in and remain a shining example for the rest of us.

It is also the first day of the National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo were a lot of people try to write at least 1500 per day to get something about 50,000 by the end of the month. Some people do well with this and others crash early. I have done OK especially if I start early in the morning which seems to be my best writing time. No I have never actually gotten all the way to the end.

This year I am trying something a little different by writing 1500 per day but not necessarily the same story. I have a few things owed to various anthologies and a couple of challenges that I need to complete. If I have the 1500 goal, I should be able to finish my obligations and get some other projects off my plate.

I am not counting this web log however I am going to try to do an entry a day as my warm up for writing. Once I get the flow going, I stand a better chance of meeting my goals.

I am also going to spend less time on social media and game playing. I have to say the new function on all iDevices telling you how much you are doing what is both helpful and very scary. I discovered what I have been doing with my time and I wasn’t happy with me. I know I am better than that.

Funny thing, there are a number of articles I have been reading about the people who design the apps are now limiting or entirely forbidding their children to play/read/work on electronic devices along with television. Anything with a screen seems to be ‘bad’ to them. I think they are overreacting just a bit but there is also some evidence of that social media usage can cause depression and other problems.

Personally I like being able to keep up with my friends and loved ones. I do recognize that I have been playing around on social media too much. I have so many means of interacting with people online. I find myself pulling out the phone or the iPad when things slow down or I am avoiding something I need to do or should do. I am taking responsibility for my actions and lack of actions.

We had a good Halloween. Caroline ran around with her friends. We gave out comic books, glow in the dark vampire teeth, and, the most popular, glow bracelets. The adults thanked us as much as the kids. It was a nice evening.

I am grateful for anything I write this month.


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