No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

New Who Review Rosa

Posted By on October 29, 2018

I am a week behind. I haven’t seen last night’s episode because I went to an amazing Halloween party thrown by some local friends. So I am going to ask that there be no spoilers for the next episode in the comments and I will get around to that episode later this week unless the world falls apart which it might.

Knowing that originally Doctor Who was supposed to be a kids’ show where they travel through time and show historical events, I think the creators would have been proud of the episode for the most part.

One thing I had to remind myself while I was watching it was this is the British point of view of the events of the American Civil Rights movement. More on that in the spoilers section.

Decent script and good acting. The American accents were again decent. Some of the southern accents were a little bit off but then I lived in the South for most of my formative years so those accents were something I heard a lot.

I like how the group is coming together. I feel like I have a better idea who each of these characters are and where they stand. Having two characters who were looked down upon and dealing with that within the episode was well done along with their frustration with the situation. And yes there were incidents as described in the deep south at that time.

Overall it was a serviceable episode of Doctor Who.

I think adding a white time traveling male who wanted to stop civil rights was interesting commentary on events happening today. Especially how the British see things over here.

The getting the events set up just right was a little convoluted. I did like the realization that they were part of the event and probably had always been. I did not hear anyone say ‘fixed point in time’ so that was nice.

Ryan’s frustration with the situation then and now was very well played by Tosin Cole. He is just trying to help and is being belittled and yelled at along the way.

Yaz had it a little easier but still had her eyes opened as to how bad it was. Her commentary on how Pakistanis are treated in the UK was very well written and delivered.

Graham was clueless until he saw how his grandson was being treated and then how he was treated when he said proudly that Ryan was his grandson.

The Doctor is the Doctor. This was one that you could drop any Doctor in and the story would pretty much fold out the way it did.

Overall decent episode.

Next spiders….why did it have to be spiders?


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