No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI The Nor’Easter tore up my graveyard edition

Posted By on October 27, 2018

Went to bed and the world was quiet.

Got up in the morning to find the wind whipping around with the pouring rain to boot.

Looked outside to find most of our Halloween graveyard pretty much torn up with the gravestones torn from the stakes I use to affix them in the ground.

It is an inside day for sure.

Now figuring out what to do with the day.

Caroline and I have a list of things we want to tackle together.

I am taking a break from the news right now. I am not avoiding nor am I actively seeking it. I know what is going on but I need a break.

I am thinking of stepping away from Social Media for a bit too.

This web log might be my only communication with the world for a bit.

I have things to do and I am finding myself very distracted by what is going on in both the world and my country to the point that I feel very helpless about everything.

I have two things I need to get done writing wise and a couple of projects that I would like to work on. I just need to start somewhere.

Cats have picked all their favorite spaces with the baseboard heater warming their bellies. Mewlan is watching the starlings flittering about in the wind and the rain.

I am thinking chili for dinner. The weather calls for it.

At some point it will stop raining and I will go out and survey the damage to our Halloween display.

We are doing a Back to the Future Marathon today for reasons very fannish.

Caroline is working on her mountain of homework trying to get it down to a mole hill.

I am grateful for weather that makes me think.


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