No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Motivation Monday How long was I playing on my IPad edition!?!?!?!

Posted By on October 22, 2018

There is a new feature on the iDevices that was added with the last update. Now your iPad and iPhone can tell you how long you were on them and what you were doing. It breaks it down into nice sized scary chunks. I was amazed at how much time I spent online on one or another of my electronic devices.

It was a wake-up call. I had told myself maybe I should be doing something else but now I KNOW I should be doing something more productive. Yes, I do use the games to clear my head but my brain isn’t that foggy.

I am not going to try to limit myself yet. I am going to try to be more mindful of the amount of time I am spending on the Internet and apps and see if I can get it down to something reasonable.

I am thinking about also installing something on my computer that tracks how much I do what.

I had been complaining about not having enough time but I think I just found out where my time went and it is rather embarrassing. I mean those birds can get rid of those pigs on their own, right?

So today I have a number of errands I need to run for the household then I plan to sit down and continue to write a short story I owe an editor. My goal is to get it to him before Thanksgiving. I have another shorter story I want to get in within the next two days to that editor.

I want to get the Halloween lights up along with the graveyard within the next two days. I need to get my Halloween exchange cards finished and sent out in the next three days. One is kind of dependent on the other.

By Anime NY I want to have a Captain Harlock puppet done along with maybe a Gigantor to go old school anime.

I have projects that I want to do but I need to be proactive and make the time to do them. And that is not by exploding colorful blocks with farm animals.

I think I will keep up the blogging. Writing like this shakes my brain lose and I can do more creatively after I get this done.

But as to Facebook and Instagram and the like, that’s going to be cut down a lot.

Willpower I have it and I am going to use it.

I am grateful for delayed gratification.


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