No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Anniversary to My Parents

Posted By on October 20, 2018

Today my parents are celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary. As I said to my mother this morning, “Isn’t it interesting that there are a number of days on the calendar that you can remember exactly where you were X number of years ago?” This is one of those days for my parents. They got married in her hometown at the church she had been going to since she was a little girl. There was a reception afterwards and then they went back to college to work on their degrees.

In the intervening 56 years they have raised four children and greeted three grandchildren into the world. They have gone on to both receiving their doctorates and tenure at their respective universities. They have resorted and augmented the gardens in their backyard and received accolades for doing so. They have their hobbies they still enjoy. Both retired, they now travel and see the world or just putter around the house as they want to.

I have always held my parents as my example of how to parent. They taught me that each child is different and what might work for one will not work for the others. I also knew my limits and what was allowed and not allowed. I didn’t have anything sprung on me out of the blue.

I have also turned to their example of how a marriage works well. They would present a united front on a decision. I knew I couldn’t go to Dad if Mom said No and vice versa. There was give and take between the two of them. They are affectionate to each other. Not saying that they didn’t have their disputes but they never had them in front of us which is apparently unusual. Peter and I operate the same way. I never felt my entire life that my parents might get a divorce and there is a security in that which may children don’t have.

I love my parents dearly and am happy that I am their child.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. Hope you have fun this evening.

I am grateful for my parents and their example of how a marriage can work.


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