No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Thor Ragnarok A Spoiler Free review

| October 31, 2017

Last night I went to the Marvel Family and Friends screening of Thor: Ragnarok. Short review, it was awesomely good popcorn fun with a wicked sense of humor. It is not a weighty film with lots to think about as one watches it and it never makes the pretense that it is that kind of […]

Happy Anniversary to My Parents

| October 20, 2017

My parents have now been married 55 years. In that time they have both become Professors, raised four kids, bought a house, and traveled the world. But that is such a simplification of just a few of the things they have done in that time. They are excellent gardeners. The grounds have been the site […]

Dipping a toe back in

| October 16, 2017

Hi there. Remember me? The reasons for my silence are myriad. It boiled down to that I needed a break to sort some stuff out. Not everything sorted but I am going to start posting again but probably not every day. Since I last wrote a lot of things both good and bad have happened. […]