No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Birthday Sean!

| August 28, 2017

Today my brother joins me in the realm of being 50 and over. There will be new boxes for him to check since he just joined me in a different demographic according to the gathers of data. Fifty years is a long time to know someone. I can still remember the little bundle that I […]

Conventional Wisdom Grumpy Cat is Grumpy

| August 16, 2017

I have been to a few conventions over my lifetime and I have an opinion on a couple of trends that are really making it hard to me to enjoy parts of a convention when I am at it. Some of these are old issues and some are new ones especially with the technology that […]

Crafty Tuesday Ideas I have some

| August 15, 2017

Time I have not. I know what I need to do before DragonCon and I have about two weeks to do it in. Today I need a few things from the local Joann’s Fabrics which is the only choice I have in real life because all other cloth stories have closed and I don’t like […]

Motivation Monday Shaking things up

| August 14, 2017

I had a weekend that involved getting together with friends and playing an RPG, getting together with a friend and having sometime to just talk about everything and anything, and getting together with friends and looking at art at the Met including a rooftop exhibition that really took my fancy then I got to stand […]

Crafty Tuesday Sometimes you have to remind yourself…

| August 10, 2017

That you can do what you do and you do it well. (Thursday: Except to remember to post what you have written. This was written on Tuesday and my lame brain didn’t follow through.) There are many things I am unsure of as an artist but occasionally empirical evidence shows me that I am an […]