No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Health and Healing

| January 11, 2017

Sort of an update here. Peter is still doing better every day. We had a bit of a slide last week but got it sorted out before anything went chronic. He has stated more than once that he has never been so happy to be able to just stand up. Balance is still a slight […]

Monday Morning Motivation as in not feeling it right now.

| January 9, 2017

This morning has been a series of things that I have dropped. Nothing breakable but I have been spending a lot of time picking things up from where I dropped them. Typing has been a nightmare because my fingers spasm and hit the wrong keys then autocorrect comes up with some really interesting substitutions for […]

Snow Far Snow Good 2nd Storm of the Season 2017

| January 7, 2017

This morning I got up and made a mad dash to the grocery story to do my usual Saturday shopping. Apparently with the impending snow, a lot of people decided to do the same. I lucked into a shopping cart and did my rounds to get the stuff we needed for the house. Amazingly the […]

Crafty Tuesday I Got Nothing

| January 3, 2017

Not an idea that I care to share or a picture of something that is progressed further unless you count the photos I used for my Christmas Card project. This was the card I did for my Sherlock Seattle Card Exchange. I have done the Halloween one for a couple of years. This was my […]

Motivational Monday 2017 Start Your Engines

| January 2, 2017

Well at least this year all teams going into the Super Bowl mess have winning records. The only game that was really for all the marbles was the Packers/Lions game as to which would be a wild card and which would be the divisional winner. Have some interesting teams in the mix so the games […]