No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Birthday AJ

Posted By on April 29, 2016

Meet Anthony Jack aka AJ Peter’s first grandchild

AJ photo IMG_2501_zps7yjld1ph.jpg
(for the VI this is a photo of AJ. He has a head of black curly hair and his eyes are closed. He is wrapped up in a white, pink, and blue blanket.)

He was born yesterday at 7:47 pm Weight 5 pounds 11 oz Length 18 ½ inches. Small but feisty.

That’s what has been going on for the past two days. Ariel’s water broke on Wednesday while she was at her doctor’s office. They admitted her and yesterday was about convincing AJ that he wanted to leave his small living quarters for the world at large.

Mother and baby are doing fine as is Dad.

Peter hasn’t stopped grinning ear to ear.

Caroline is over the moon that she is an Aunt and got to hold her nephew.

I am grateful that AJ made it into the world safely.

Ariel and AJ photo IMG_2503_zpsvsiqknmt.jpg
Ariel and AJ
(for the VI; This is Ariel in her hospital bed with AJ on her chest. Her hair is brown as are her eyes. She is wrapped in hospital gown and bed clothes. AJ is wearing a diaper and a pink, blue and white striped cap)

Anthony and AJ photo IMG_2524_zpsh4ohqbtc.jpg
Anthony and AJ
(for the VI: This is Anthony with a black shirt, brown hair and glasses holding AJ in the blanket and hat)

 photo IMG_2515_zpsdqqvsdcm.jpg
Peter and AJ
(For the VI: This is Peter holding AJ. Peter has on a red hoodie. He has his hand on AJ’s chest. AJ is in his blanket and hat.)

Aunt Caroline meets AJ photo IMG_2507_zpsstcsyps3.jpg
Aunt Caroline meets AJ
(For the VI: This is Caroline holding AJ. Caroline is wearing a black t-shirt. She is looking up into camera. AJ is in his hospital issued blanket and hat)


3 Responses to “Happy Birthday AJ”

  1. Tony says:

    Congratulations to the David Clan on the new addition to the family. I am sure I don’t need to say this but I’ll say it anyway: enjoy every moment because they grow fast.

  2. Elayne Riggs says:

    Great photos! A male child in the family at last! 🙂

  3. Tim Lynch says:

    Great pictures, and a wonderful event! Congrats to Peter, Anthony, and especially Ariel — after all, she had to do all the work!

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