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Kathleen David's weblog

Rest In Peace the Millie Cat

Posted By on April 23, 2016

Millie Cat photo 6d822d68-7081-43d3-9d44-b55569fd4160_zps7noimk3b.jpg
(For the VI: This is a picture of Millie Cat. He was a grey and brown striped tabby with a white muzzle and chest with greenish eyes)

Yesterday morning I came downstairs to a mess. There was blood splotches on the floor that I am sure a forensic expert would have had a field day with. I traced the trail to Millie who was desperately trying to groom himself making him look like a serial killer cat.

We knew he had been living on borrowed time for a while because he had a tumor behind his left eye and it was in his jaw as well. We had been told that it could be any day about a month ago. But he wasn’t in pain. He was still eating and drinking and using the litter box properly. He was mooching food and being his alpha cat self.

Until yesterday and it was obvious that he was at the end of the line. We were watching him die by inches.

The Vet agreed with us. He said that we had an extra month with Millie and it was obvious at this point that he was not in good shape and rapidly sliding down into really bad shape.

Good-byes were said. Pets were given and received with a purr. He went with dignity.

He was my Hanukah present over 18 years ago. I was up in Buffalo, NY stage managing “Tony and Tina’s Wedding”. I would call and check in with Peter once a day. Ariel picked up the phone and said “Daddy has something to tell you.”

Peter said, “Happy Hanukah, you have a kitten named Millie.”

With that came the explanation of why I had a kitten named Millie and Ariel had a kitten named Vanilli. The girls named them Millie and Vanilli because as kittens they would open their mouths and no sound would come out. So they said that the kittens had someone meow for them.

Millie was a bit of a stand-off except when it came to me. He knew he was my cat. I was the only one could pick him up and cuddle him without losing a limb.

He was a first class mooch. He loved people food and figured he needed his tribute at each meal.

He was a quiet cat unless it was first thing in the morning and you were the first person down stairs then you had to feed the cats their wet food before he would shut up.

He had his spots to sleep in and woe betide the individual be it cat or human who was in it when he wanted them.

He knew when people were feeling down and he would go and comfort them in his strange way, which was to flop down next to you or on your feet and just be there. You could pet him if you wanted to but either way you could feel the purr being generated.

He was a good cat. He outlasted his brother by over a year and a half.

I will miss him.

I am grateful for my time with the Millie Cat.


One Response to “Rest In Peace the Millie Cat”

  1. Tim Lynch says:

    So very sorry to hear it — but it sounds like he had a terrific life and left it on his own terms. RIP Millie.

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