No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Not Feeling it today

Posted By on April 22, 2016

I was going to write about the passing of Prince and tell the story of when I though my brother was going to get us in real trouble for playing Let’s Go Crazy at a very loud volume to counter act all the country music blasting around us as we went slowly through a small town because the highway was closed.

But this morning I got up and came downstairs and found Millie bleeding from the mouth rather profusely. We are going to take him to the Vet but I have a feeling he is not coming home with us. He’s been dying by inches for about a month now due to a tumor behind his left eye so it may be time to say good-bye. I have had that fur ball in my life for 18 going on 19 years. He was my Hanukah present all those years ago.

First night of Passover is tonight I wish all who celebrate it a Good Pesach.

I am grateful for Prince’s music which shaped my youth (OK early adulthood).


2 Responses to “Not Feeling it today”

  1. David Hunt says:

    Crud. Condolences for Millie. I was going to try to write something uplifting, but I’ve got nothing. Just know that someone whose been through the same thing is thinking positive thoughts.

  2. Julia in Richmond says:

    Positive thoughts are coming from Richmond as well. Our first cat, Angel, lived to be 17 and we had her 16 of those years. We lost our second, John Henry, at 12, and we still miss them both. Our current boy, Pepper, is 15 and still doing reasonably well. We certainly get attached to our “children with fur…”

    Hang in there.

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