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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday Performances I have Performed

Posted By on April 19, 2016

I was talking to someone at the bowling alley about my puppet slam performances at Dragon Con. She said that it might be cool if I had them all in one place since they are not exactly easy to find.

So below the cut are videos of various sketches I have done over the years at the Dragon Con puppet slam and other places. I know that some are not so great but I think you will get the idea of what I was trying to do and you get to see me perform.

2011: It’s OK to be Takei (Shoreleave version) Came out of George lending his name since a School System decided that teachers couldn’t say the word Gay so George suggested using Takei instead.

2012: Lord of Time: Probably what I am best known for. I love the crowd reaction after the additions walk on.

2013 I walked the line because that was the year of the stroke and my mojo was asleep.

2014: Get Loki: Not the best video but I think you get the idea. Thanks to John for getting the soundtrack together.

2015: The Cad in the Hat; I have to thank everyone who gave their time on this one starting with Peter who wrote it. Moe who said the words. Angelo for putting the music track together. John for adding the sound effects making this the best sounding track I have ever had.

2016: Well I know what I am going to do so now I have to do it. Mwaahaahaahaahaaaa

I am grateful that I have some sort of record of these performances.


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