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Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Motivation

Posted By on April 18, 2016

But first Happy Birthday to my step-daughter Shana! Hope it is a good one.

Motivation is a funny thing. It can be useful but it also can be very annoying especially when the goal posts keep moving.

Actors who study certain forms of acting are forever asking themselves, “what’s my (the character’s) motivation here?” and forming answers to round out why they are doing things.

I remember doing The Changeling at Theatre Emory and we needed an actor to close a door and he kept forgetting. He asked the director what his motivation was for closing the door and was informed ‘your bloody fûçkìņg paycheck so just close the dámņ door’. He never forgot that cue again.

Hunger is a big motivator and I am not just talking about the lack of food kind either. There is a hunger for knowledge. The hunger to get down a skill that we lack but need. The hunger to do well or to excel.

Deadlines seem to motivate me often. Something has to get done and some how magically I can get it done. Soft deadlines are not as good as hard ones for me. But there is only so long I can take the pressure on these sorts of things before I feel a little overwhelmed.

This year I am trying something new to get things done now that I need to have done by the end of the year. So DragonCon puppets are being started now. Costume stuff is going to be started soon. But first I have to finish Aquaman for someone who has been very patient to get his puppet. Then I have a couple for a couple of other conventions.

Writing can be harder so as of today I am making myself sit down for an hour and work on the three projects I have due this year. It is going to be one of those just type and not worry about the little things. I can afford at least an hour to serious writing. Oh and I am stating right now research doesn’t count as writing.

I have also found that if I hold myself publically accountable, I tend to do better at whatever I need to do.

So I am starting something here that will be part of my Monday entry where I am going to hold myself accountable for what I have or haven’t done in the past week.

I am grateful for motivation of the good sort.


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