No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Been Up Since 5 AM

Posted By on April 16, 2016

Just got my coffee because I was hoping to go back to sleep. But not so much.

Had a really weird dream. I was on Face Off(the SFX make-up contest on SyFy) and it was the final but we had to deal with a sentient piece of beef jerky one of the other contestants had accidentally created in a prior challenge. Last thing I remember was that it had a pirate hat on and was threatening us with a dirty whisk.

Caroline is sleeping in.

Got most of what I wanted to get done yesterday but not all. So pick up where I left off and continue I guess.

We do have food in the house so that’s good. Part of the laundry has been done so that needs to continue. Puppet is sitting there not staring at me since he doesn’t have his eyes yet. Gym was fine and I was able to do my entire routine, which was nice.

Today is cat box day so that’s on the docket along with finishing laundry and working on various crafty projects.

Longer term is to figure out what we are eating the first night of Passover and getting the kitchen ready for that holiday.

Need to get a back-up done on my laptop especially since it has been acting funny the past couple of days.

The fur on Inky’s feet makes it look like she had spurs on.

Ah, Caroline is awake. I can hear her in her room above me.

With that, the day really gets started,

I am grateful for temporary tattoos.


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