No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI The My Mind is all over the place edition

Posted By on April 14, 2016

Welp it is a batten down the hatches day as my village as the political circus decided to land in my backyard. Trump is coming for a Republican fund-raiser and there is a counter demonstration in a venue up the street. We have gotten emails from the school district and the village about how this is all going to go down and what the frozen zone is and when. As long as we keep to the back roads that only the locals use, we should be fine for what we need to do.

Heard around the house (these are actual conversations that have been said in these four walls).

“Screw you Derpy….hey get back here”.
“Ya know if I was Derpy and I heard that I’d say ‘Hoof You!’ Punches the air with her fist and leave.”
“Well she left.”

“Has anyone seen my eyeballs?”
“I think the cat was playing with them.”

“What are Hipster Donuts?”
“Donuts with little hats”

“You know what’s funny?”
“A cheetah in a bonnet?”

“I appreciate your existence.”

Happy Birthday to Peter Capaldi, Robert Carlyle, and Terrance Ðìçkš. I have met one of them and hope to meet the other two by years end.

Inky is shoving her nose in the crack of the door and sniffing the outside air. If it warms up, I plan to open a window, which will create a cat pile up.

I am grateful that we don’t really have anywhere to go today and the one place we do have to get to, we can go the back roads and avoid the village entirely.


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