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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI The Please Don’t Suck Chant

Posted By on April 13, 2016

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel they showed the Dr. Strange teaser

I have stated before that I have a great love for this character and what I was seeing from the photos and the like indicated that they were doing right by Ditko and Lee. This trailer gives me great hope that this will be the Marvel Movie I have been waiting to see for over 40 years.

I am surprised the number of other Dr. Strange fans I am finding on my friends list on Facebook and elsewhere on the Internet where I lurk. For years I thought it was just me who loved this character and the ideas of this character so very much.

It was interesting to show it to Caroline because she doesn’t have the context I have for Dr. Strange. She has read the current comic but it hasn’t really, other than passing, talk about where Stephen Strange comes from.

Chris the puppet was well received. I am glad that he was. I can say that I learned a lot from that one project.

Today a couple of things need to be accomplished. I think I can get it all done before end of day but it is with a health serving of ‘we’ll see’.

I have noticed that “please don’t suck” has replaced “please be good” as our chant of wanting. I use to feel like that was lowering the bar but now I feel it is more like “please be such that others can see why I like this so much.”

In other news I am proud of Caroline, as she has been accepted into the National Junior Honors Society. She works very hard at school and her extra curricular activities. She performed her flute solo for the NYSSMA panel yesterday, which she has been working on for about three months now. This Sunday she is making her pledge as a catechumen for her conformation next fall. She needs 50 hours of community service, which we are trying to figure out how she is going to accrue it.

I say that she is growing up so fast but that is my perspective. I feel like my life has been put on fast forward since she came into the world and it shows no signs of slowing down.

I am also looking forward to Captain America Civil War or as I call it, Avengers 3. Whether or not there will be a Marvel Screening is up for debate as the Zigfield has closed and that was the perfect venue for us.

I did see Batman vs. Superman. It was a decent film but I have no urge to see it again or own it on DVD. Nothing against the performances, which I thought were top notch. Caroline adored Wonder Woman. I think I am suffering from something I am going to call Too Much Dark Knight Syndrome. The movie, visually, was very drab and very dark. And that depresses me while I am watching it. I am not saying I need lots of color to make a superhero film watchable, but some of it being not grey would help.

I am grateful that the Dr. Strange trailer gives me some real hope for the film itself.


One Response to “RTBTCKI The Please Don’t Suck Chant”

  1. Tony says:

    I felt the same about BvS. There were good performances except Luthor. Although it is difficult to know if my dislike was for the version of the character, the acting or both. Out of the Nolan Films Batman Begins is the only one that has an everlasting appeal to me. The second is too depressing.Even though it is a great film and I own it on Blu ray I have never seen it again since the theatrical premiere. I did not enjoyed the third one at all. The thing with those two movies is that the stories I would have enjoyed in that movie universe would fall in between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. After his origin story but before he is push to the limit by the Joker and decide to retire for many years and come back in less than prime shape. I wanted to see him in his prime. Hopefully that is what we are going to get in the Solo Batman Movie and the Justice league movies.

    All I know from Dr Strange’s origin is from the JMS miniseries from about 10 years ago and I remember enjoying that very much. I was rewatching the original Iron Man two weeks ago and I loved the fact that he enjoys that he is Iron Man. He is driven by tragic events – his creations are used to kill innocents – but there is still joy in what he is doing and what he is achieving. The only other Marvel movie that comes close to this is Antman. The first captain America has some of it but I remember being disappointed when I saw it. Granted, I saw it on Blu ray over a two night period at very late hours so conditions were not optimal.

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