No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Ah Monday, you have arrived

Posted By on March 9, 2015

Caroline got up on time for school only because she has an alarm clock. She said that she felt like a zombie and why do we need Daylight Savings Time because it was dark outside not light like it had been.

I am in full agreement. Let’s get rid of this silly law and live like our ancestors did in standard time.

I set a clock for me too because I knew I wasn’t going to wake up on my own like I had been doing until this ruddy time change.

Rain this morning, which is a nice change of pace from the snow we had been having on Mondays. It is already 37 degrees F which will help continue the rain and the melting. I can see part of my lawn and my back porch I haven’t seen in over a month.

We have been watching spring training baseball. It is nice to see again. I have to admit the ad guys have been on their toes and gotten some great snow related commercials making one really long for baseball.

Finally was able to get the trashcans where they can be picked up for garbage today. Took some extracting but I did it. Next to dig out the recycling cans for Wednesday.

Caroline, as I have stated before, has been reading my blog and she is up to a point where we had to sit down and explain to her what happened early in her life and why it really doesn’t matter anymore since she is fine now. She came upon the entry where I talked about developmental apraxia and her speech. We pointed out that she is now a verbal child with an extensive vocabulary so it does not affect her in the least. She does remember her speech therapist and working on talking. Now she knows why she was doing that.

We had round I have lost count of kitty politics this morning. Millie got into the mix where he usually stays out of it so the three of them were going at it for a while. Each is now in a different corner of the room sleeping in their favorite spots.

Got a couple of things I need to do today and a couple that I want to do. Going to be a grown up and do the needs before the wants.

I am grateful that Caroline understands what happened back when she was three.


One Response to “Ah Monday, you have arrived”

  1. David Oakes says:

    Funny, =just last night we were talking with our youngest about what he remembers of his speech therapy for his apraxia.

    I am grateful that the hearing tester taught him the signs for “more” and “all done” before she left that first day.

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