No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Caroline’s First Day of Summer Vacation 2014 Edition

Posted By on June 27, 2014

Caroline’s first full day of summer vacation. Last night she informed us that she would be sleeping in. Apparently getting up at her usual 6:30 is sleeping in.

I did a puppet/doll/costume count and the number of days I won’t be able to work on the puppets/dolls/costumes and calculated my daily output to get it all done. I then had a good laugh and a good cry and worked out how I am going to do this project. However if I can’t find my pattern bag with all my patterns, this is going to be for naught. I have one puppet cut out and that one has to go out the door Monday to make it to its new home by the deadline.

Speaking of Dragon Con, I need some help from my musical buddies to get something ready for my puppet slam piece. Usual places to find me for details.

Getting ready for Florida SuperCon next weekend. Then going to visit some friends in Florida. Caroline is going to go visit her sister Shana for 10 days. I am going back to Florida to spend some time with my family and pick up Caroline. Three days after we get back from that, we are off to Shoreleave. Caroline will be spending six days in New York the month of July and the rest in Florida.

What is it about cats and laundry? Millie only sleeps in the dirty laundry and Figgy only sleeps on the clean laundry.

I can lift weights if I am careful with my left arm. Been doing a lot of legwork because of it and whatever my arm will bear.

I declare today a doing day rather than a thinking day.

It amazes me how fast a clean surface around here picks up stuff. I had the coffee table clear yesterday so we could play a board game and this morning it is covered in comics, Caroline’s school work, puppet parts and toys. Ah well off to clean it up.

On the docket for today is restocking the larder, finishing up the commissioned puppet piece and finding those all important patterns.

I am grateful for things that get done.


2 Responses to “RTBTCKI Caroline’s First Day of Summer Vacation 2014 Edition”

  1. Elayne Riggs says:

    Yay to “things that get done,” that’s my favorite!

    I “slept in” today as well and got up at 6 AM instead of 5:30.

    Our cat doesn’t do laundry. Amy prefers flat paper bags, the crinkly the better. She is absolutely in love with the Midtown Comics bags, and we’ve spread them around the house in the places she likes the most. She also went to town on a Red Lobster takeout bag and made it into a nest for herself. We have a weirdness of an old lady cat.

  2. Tim Lynch says:

    One of our cats prefers ripping apart cardboard boxes. He doesn’t eat them, merely tears them apart with his jaws and turns them into confetti. If I didn’t know better I’d wonder if we’d picked up a gerbil with an overactive pituitary.

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