No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Not Much to Say

| April 28, 2014

Yeah, I know I have been rather quiet but I really haven’t had much to say. Crafty Tuesday for tomorrow is a bit of a blank but I am sure I’ll come up with something. Things around here have been pretty stable in that not much is happening outside the norm, which is nice considering […]

Faking it till you make it is not a good life plan

| April 24, 2014

This is one of those times that several things happened several places on the Internet and in real life (or pseudo real life since it was email exchanges). We talk about the problem of the Internet that you never know if who you are talking to is really who they say. Twitters odd solution is […]

RTBCKI The Spring has Spr….Atchoo…ung * sniff * Edition

| April 23, 2014

Yep, the pollen is in the air. The particulate matter that now annoys my nose is everywhere. I use to not have allergies but in my dotage my body has decided that it doesn’t like pollen any more. I have never done well with mold. At least the Mets are at 500 right now. They […]

Crafty Tuesday: I also make Costumes

| April 8, 2014

The first one I wore at a convention was Blake from Blake 7. From that I did this and that over the years. Until I met up with my buddies Jeff and Angelo and we decided to do Vincent from Beauty and the Beast (the 1980s version). There is photographic evidence of this project somewhere […]

Conventional Wisdom: Hey Fandom, can we talk?

| April 2, 2014

Some of this is going to sound a little vague and that’s because we aren’t all current on certain currently airing shows and some of us avoid spoilers like the plague unless they show up on page 6 of their TV Guide and are right in our face. Others hunt for spoilers like they are […]