No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday The Summer and Crafting with my Child

| June 18, 2013

Caroline has declared that this is the summer that she will learn to use the sewing machine so she can start designing clothing for her dolls and stuffed animals. I am also going to teach her about hand sewing as well. She should be able to put a button back on or darn a sock. […]

What a Splendid Weekend

| June 17, 2013

We went in to the city on Saturday and saw Pippin and Cinderella. We stayed over night in the city. Then Sunday we went to the Mets game and watched them win in the bottom of the ninth inning. Caroline got to run the bases, which she loved. All in all a rather spectacular weekend. […]

Happy Birthday to my Sister Sheila 2013 edition

| June 14, 2013

Today is my sister Sheila’s birthday which is also Flag Day. I have an amazing sister who is a creative soul. She is a poet who is working on a project that she created called 10,000 flowers where she is giving away art work. More details can be found here. Feel free to participate. She […]

RTBCKI The I don’t like CFLs edition

| June 12, 2013

It will be harder and harder to get simple incandescent bulbs. Now consumers have several types of the new bulbs to choose from. I have CFL (Compact Florescent Light) in one of my bathrooms and I really don’t like it. I have had a problem with florescent light my entire life. Once the bulb starts […]

RTBTCKI The Shiny Yellow Ball is Good edition

| June 9, 2013

Yesterday we went up to Connecticut for my niece’s birthday party. We could see the evidence of the heavy rains as we went around from Long Island to Connecticut. We avoided the routes that we knew had a tendency to flood and were informed by 1010 that we were right. We had a nice time […]