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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday The Summer and Crafting with my Child

Posted By on June 18, 2013

Caroline has declared that this is the summer that she will learn to use the sewing machine so she can start designing clothing for her dolls and stuffed animals. I am also going to teach her about hand sewing as well. She should be able to put a button back on or darn a sock.

Next week, I think, I am going to be taking her into the city with me to shop the fabric shops for a couple of projects I want to do. We have most of the day already planned. She is looking forward to some Mommy/Daughter time.

She, like me, has a million of ideas of things she would like to do. Most of what is stopping her is lack of practical knowledge to do these things. So among her other activities we are going to work on her sewing skills and her drafting skills.

I have also decided that she is going to learn cursive this summer and work on her handwriting (At this point I know my mother is probably laughing really hard now considering my lack of penmanship and that I went back to print as soon as I could). I think it is important for her to learn that. And now science is backing me up on this What learning Cursive does for your brain. I am also going to introduce her to calligraphy, which I think she will like. That and we are going to continue on multiplication and division. Can’t let the math brain stay dormant.

She is also practicing her flute. She is taking lessons this summer and will continue her practice of the instrument. She is getting serious about her flute playing because she can see how far she has come in nine short months.

I am grateful that my daughter wants to learn skills from me.


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