No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

What a Splendid Weekend

Posted By on June 17, 2013

We went in to the city on Saturday and saw Pippin and Cinderella. We stayed over night in the city. Then Sunday we went to the Mets game and watched them win in the bottom of the ninth inning. Caroline got to run the bases, which she loved. All in all a rather spectacular weekend.

Pippin was incredible. The use of the circus motif just added to the play rather than distracted from it. Andrea Martin stole the first act with her rendition of “No Time At All”. Terrance Mann is, well, Terrance Mann. I have a new version of an old meme I have seen Terrance Mann right a unicycle, your argument is irrelevant. Patina Miller did a splendid job of Leading Player. The Fosse choreography was used vey well and I bet Mr. Fosse would have loved working with the performers to see how far they could push it since he would have had acrobats and contortionists to work with that could also dance. Matthew James Thomas was an excellent Pippin and was very giving of the stage to others. It is one of those productions that will still be talked about 10 years down the road. It is the Pippin that all other Pippins to come will be measured against. And for those who know the show, they used the alternate ending very well.

Cinderella was Caroline’s favorite of the two musicals. She enjoyed Pippin a lot but Cinderella was more her speed. It was done the way that a classic Broadway musical would have been done if Rogers and Hammerstein had taken it to Broadway at the time of the first TV version. The cast was solid. Laura Osnes has a lovely voice and that wistful expression one must have to play Ella. Victoria Clark did a wonderful job as the Fairy Godmother. We saw the Broadway debut of Andy Jones in the role of Topher (the Prince) and both Peter and I think we saw the start of a long Broadway career. This kid was really good and he has that presence that cannot be taught but is innate in an actor.

We spent the night in the city because it seemed a little silly to drive back home and then get up very early and drive out to Citi Field. We had a nice breakfast at Ellen Stardust Diner. Ariel joined us afterwards and we trekked out to Citi Field to meet up with Gwen and her fiancé. The seats we got were under the overhang just enough that we were never in direct sunlight which was nice since the breeze kept us cool and we didn’t have to worry about sunburn. And the Mets won. Bottom of the ninth and a homer had to do it but it was worth the disappointment of all the other innings because they won. Afterwards they had run the bases for the kids, which Caroline did and almost took Mr. Met’s hand off with a serious high five. We were glad we were driving east going home because the west side of the LI was a disaster from Queens to the Suffolk line.

Peter was very happy with his Father’s Day weekend. Caroline gave him a big hug and told him that she was glad that she could celebrate Father’s Day with him and he was getting better. The implication being that the stroke could have made that day very sad for her. Rather heavy thoughts for a 10 year old.

I am grateful that we could celebrate Father’s Day with Peter.


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