No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Peter walked up and down a flight of stairs

Posted By on January 22, 2013

And we mark another milestone of him getting home. We have stairs at every entrance to our house. One of the big question marks was whether Peter was going to be able to navigate the stairs to get into the house. Yesterday he proved that he could deal with a short flight of stairs. This is a huge leap towards getting him home. I am very proud of him and all the work he is doing.

I got to see how far he has come in even a short amount of time. His PT had short videos taken of where he started and where he is as of last week. It is amazing to watch. I know we are going to have to deal with mobility issues when he gets home but he is making great strides in minimizing what we are going to need to do. And I think this motivates him to see how far he can get before coming home.

Yesterday Peter, Ariel, and I all watched the inauguration on the same channel and text messaged each other about it. Three different states but we were all watching the same thing. I liked it a lot. It was a nice ceremony with just the right touch of pomp and circumstances.

We had snow last night. Now we have below freezing with a wind chill factor of OMG. I do need to clear the walk this morning and clear a path for our lovely postal worker so she doesn’t slip. It is nice having the same person deliver your mail each day. She keeps an eye on things and if something doesn’t look right, she informs the local constabulary who will come by and check on things. She also checks in on the elderly who live on this block to make sure they are OK. Above and beyond just delivering the mail but it adds so much to the community.

Caroline does have school today. Turning her PJs inside out did not garner her a snow day.

For me today has a couple of things that MUST BE DONE and some time to get some other things that need to be done with a little me time in there somewhere.

I am grateful for being able to see my husband’s progress.


3 Responses to “Peter walked up and down a flight of stairs”

  1. Jerry Chandler says:

    Good to hear. Glad his recovery seems to be moving along at such a nice clip.

  2. Tim Lynch says:

    Oh, that’s awesome — such great news! I know that stairs were one of the biggest challenges I had to get used to in fall 2011. (Granted, I was dealing with orthopedic stuff instead of a stroke, but hey.)

    And I’m with Jerry — he seems to be recovering very nicely and surprisingly quickly. Such wonderful updates.

    And while Caroline may be mourning the lack of a snow day, you can tell her that this teacher who’s giving a midterm this afternoon is very glad NOT to have a snow day. 🙂

  3. Elayne Riggs says:

    I laughed out loud at “wind chill factor of OMG”!

    I’m so happy Peter is able to do stairs now. I’m fully-abled and I have problems with stairs!

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