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Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Musing: The Peter is in Canada Edition

Posted By on April 23, 2012

And he is safe in Montreal starting his drive to Quebec City. Caroline misses him a lot already.

I talk to a lot of parents who have to blast their kids out of bed in the morning. I have an early riser in Caroline who tends to get up a little before 7 AM which allows her to ease her way into her day. I don’t know how much longer that is going to last but I am going to enjoy it as long as I can.

We have rain today. Peter is going to have to deal with snow. Amazing the difference that a few degrees can make.

I have been reading Johan Lehrer’s Imagine and it is an interesting read. There were also a number of interesting articles in yesterday’s New York Time’s magazine that I am probably going to be finishing over the week while working out on some form of exercise machine. I have always been fascinated with the brain and how it works and doesn’t work on occasion. I know mine is a little bit different because I am dyslexic. I have worked very hard to train myself to spell words correctly but it can be the oddest word that can cause me all kinds of problems. And although I am still sketchy on my right from my left, my sense of direction and how to get somewhere I have been before is pretty doggone good. I seem to have a visual memory. Caroline seems to have a form of eidetic memory which has served her well in both school and puzzles.

Mets and Giants are going to try to get a double-header in today. Good luck, the weather looks rather sketchy today.

For those of you who DVR Young Justice, this Saturday is the first episode of the second season but the title is different so your DVR might not pick it up. As of Saturday, it is know as Young Justice: Invasion. Please make a note of it. And yes, Peter is writing a couple more episodes for it.

We are watching our way through the movies that proceed the Avengers film which we should be seeing on Thursday with the Marvel Crew (fingers crossed) We have an Iron Man and a Captain America to go to complete the set. Caroline knows these characters cold. She loves the Hulk. She also is pretty savvy about the X-men and X-factor’s current team. She is looking forward to it a lot.

I have a couple of things on my plate today before I start the next set of Things That Must Be Done henceforth to be know as TTMBD. There are also a list of things I would like to do as well. We’ll see where we get.

Because Peter is out of town, I think I am going to use his scanner to get in some photos of some of my earlier puppets. I have a couple of really twisted ones that I am quite proud of. I first have to find my portfolio which is somewhere in my filing cabinet or under the top of my desk in my to be filled stack.

Fig is yowling at the office door trying to find me I guess. She has a very distinctive voice.

Off to sort out the day. I think I am going to start with a list.

I am grateful that Peter made it up to Canada with no problem.


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