No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Is Sunday the Beginning or the End?

Posted By on April 22, 2012

I have never been able to figure out of Sunday is the beginning of the week or the end of the week. I have had plenty of calendars that say one and plenty that say the other. For me it seems to be a little bit of both. I use Sunday to both reflect on the week behind me and the week ahead.

The week behind me was a seriously mixed bag of happy/sad. We had good news and some pretty crappy news all in the same week. At least we had more of a balance than some weeks. I didn’t get half of what I wanted to get done. I was dealing with other stuff that needed to be done and discovered that onions and I really don’t get along anymore which is a shame since I love a good onion ring. I am hoping for a more productive week.

The week ahead is going to be interesting since Peter is leaving Monday AM for a gig and then a convention which will bring him back home a week later. So I will be a fulltime Mommy for a week. That creates a set of time parameters as to where I need to be when including all of Caroline’s afterschool activities which she has every afternoon except Thursday.

Today is about laundry and getting Peter ready for his trip. We are going to be doing some family stuff together. So a quiet Sunday with a number of activities.

Next week I think I am going to make the first part about cleaning and the second half about creating or maybe the other way around. Or AM cleaning and PM creating. I’ll come up with some plan that I will have to change rather quickly because something will cause me to have to do so.

So here is what I am thinking about blogging this week.

Monday Musings about various topics.

Crafty Tuesday will be a look at past projects I think. I need to find some photos and scan some others in. Also I will be starting the DragonCon list since I am in the Art Show and I would like to get everything done before August to allow me some time to get extra details on stuff. (Yes, I know I say that every year but I am starting early this year.)

Wednesday is open at this point. I may starting doing a “When I was a young Fan” or “Convention Advise” series.

This Thursday is going to be Introspection I think.

Friday I am keeping open for whatever my mind comes up with.

The weekend can be a bit more dicey about posting since I am Super Mom but it will be whatever is on my mind.

I am wondering if there is any interest in me talking about parenting or what Caroline is up to.

So there is my breakdown of the week to come.

I am grateful for things that amuse my husband and daughter.


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