No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

That Cleared Things Up a Bit

Posted By on April 19, 2012

We have been waiting to hear if Peter was going to get a gig that would both be fun and profitable. We did and we finally know what our next couple of weeks are. The upshot is that Peter is going to be gone for a week next week, which is fine.

We might be going to the Marvel screening for the Avengers next week. It is dependent on Caroline’s testing times. I can’t take her out of school until the test is done.

If you didn’t see/read yesterday’s entry which was up kind of later than usual due to Internet issues and some other things, it was about the puppet I made for Ariel for her chorus concert. It is nice to know that I can turn stuff around pretty fast if needed. I took it to my local cloth store yesterday and they were amazed since it was a pile of cloth that I bought on Monday.

Today is Caroline’s school library and a couple of errands that need to be done.

Caroline wants to go see Chimpanzee this weekend so that there will be a donation made to the Jane Goodall foundation.

I have two projects on my plate that need to be done. I hope to have both completed by Monday.

I have a mask idea that is running around in my brain that I am really thinking of executing just so I can get it out of my head. I have a feeling that the puppet hiding behind the mask is next. Then there is the doll idea…. Well not worried about creativity right now. It seems in full bloom.

I am grateful for things being a little less up in the air than they had been for the past couple of weeks.


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