No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Morning Musings

Posted By on April 16, 2012

Today Caroline’s vacation is over and she is back in school. This week and next week are the mandatory assessment tests that she has to take because she is in the third grade. She is ready for them but not happy about it. I can’t say I am either really. The idea that one test is going to tell the story of the school system is just bogus. It puts stress on the teachers and the students that doesn’t allow for much learning outside the box for most of the school year.

Baseball has been fun to watch this weekend. It is nice to turn on a game and not have the inevitable ending of a loss due to leaving men on base. Tonight is one of my mixed emotion nights since it is the Mets vs. the Braves.

Do you ever get the feeling that the universe is trying to nudge you in a certain direction and it is getting awfully pushy about it?

Still grooving on the concert we saw Saturday. I have found myself humming various Henson tunes for two days now. I woke up to “Moving Right Along” running through my head this morning.

Boston Runners Association is asking/warning/pleading that people who aren’t fit to run the Marathon skip it this year since the temperature is going to be very much on the high side. Not as bad as it was in 1976 but still if one doesn’t know what one is doing, then they should think twice about it.

A couple of errands must be run today along with some laundry but I have a creative itch that I need to scratch. I also have to get my health insurance card back from the doctor’s office along with setting up a follow-up visit. I also have bowling tonight. I can’t believe that the league is getting ready to wrap up.

If you get TIME magazine, there is a very interesting article about the fraternity of presidents both from a historical and current view. I learned a lot about the political system from that article and how I wished the rest of the political machine worked.

Dealing with Kitty politics or, at this point, letting kitty politics settle out unless I think someone is going to get seriously hurt. It is Spring and they are having an election for the Alpha position. Fig has tossed her hat into the ring this year which is adding a new dynamic. I figure it will shake out the way it usually does since Stalin is dictator for life.

Lovely day outside today. I might go out and play in it before it gets too hot.

I am grateful for experiences that get me to thinking about things.


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