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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday: The 142 Days till DragonCon Edition

Posted By on April 10, 2012

I believe the paperwork has been turned in or will be turned in today that will declare that we are coming to DragonCon.

DragonCon is really my end point of the year for making my kind of art. All things (conventions) lead to DragonCon for me. I am crossing my fingers that I will have room in the Art Show this year. I think I have everything sorted out on that front but not positive yet.

I have one and half projects to do before diving in. I am making a One-eyed, One Horned Flying Purple People Eater for Ariel and I have to remake a piece that got destroyed in the mail.

I have a number of things I am thinking of building for DragonCon. I think a plush calot is a must probably with maybe a baby Thark puppet since John Carter of Mars came out this year.

So here is my question gentle reader, out of all the stuff you have seen me make, what do you think I should make for DragonCon this year?

I will give you a couple that are being contemplated.
Beast and Mystique are the next Xs to be thought about as in First Class outfits.
The Calot
The Thark Baby
A couple of Fluzzies
Another type of stuffed animal that is an experiment that will either go in or drop out.
The Steam-punk Anthro-animals
And may be that set of Firefly hand puppets I keep thinking about doing but never doing.
I have also been thinking of mask making and a couple of fleece hat ideas that are totally worked out yet.

This will be on top of a couple of costumes that are still solidifying and whatever I am doing for the puppet slam this year.

However, I do want your thoughts on the matter.

Pictures of the Purple People Eater will probably be posted next week.

I am grateful for feedback and ideas that others give me. It really does help the thought process.


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