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Kathleen David's weblog

I-Con 2012 Today

Posted By on March 31, 2012

And of course it is raining.

Caroline is looking forward to seeing her friends this weekend. I am looking forward to seeing some of my friends. Peter is looking forward to seeing his friends. (See a theme?)

I am going to be there today but not as sure about tomorrow which will depend on today.

I-Con was the first convention that Peter and I went to where he introduced me as his girlfriend to his various friends. I met Glenn and Brandy that weekend along with a lot of other people who have since become my friends too. I think that’s where I met Bob Greenberger as well but not as sure.

I have to go find the Doctor Who puppets because I need to pull out the 8th Doctor and take him with me because Paul McGann is going to be there. I’ll see how he reacts to the puppet before offering it to him. Some people don’t like puppets of themselves and others love them. So there might be an adventure to write about after the convention is over.

I am grateful for all the lovely people I have met and hung out with at I-Con.


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