No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

I-Con 2012 is this weekend

Posted By on March 29, 2012

And I haven’t heard back from the people I was going to be doing something for so I am going to assume that I am not doing it.

So who’s going? I will be there Saturday and maybe Sunday depending on how Saturday goes.

I plan to bring the 8th Doctor puppet with me so that’ll be a clue that you found me.

Today is my volunteer day at Caroline’s school. It is about 2 hours of my day but I know how much it helps the school and the kids.

Once I get back home, I go back to the list that never ends and try to figure out what to do first.

I have a screwy idea for a novel or rather a series of short stories with a structure but I don’t know if those are commercially viable any more. Still thinking about that.

Itching to make some dolls. I have an idea for something I want to try and I want to make Peter his calot.

After I-Con I am going to be getting ready for Passover and Easter which are rather on top of each other this year since Good Friday and the first night of Passover are on the same night. Which works since the Last Supper was a Passover Seder.

I am grateful for options even when it is hard to choose.


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