No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

An Entry about Caroline

Posted By on March 28, 2012

Caroline is nine going on ten. Or as she puts it, in her last year of single digit age. She is looking forward to being in double digits. I guess I am too but sometimes it is so hard to believe that is has almost been 10 years since she joined us.

Recently I have a looks into the future and the past with my daughter.

We went to the last Broadway Bears auction a couple of weeks ago. Caroline was pretty excited about it and wanted to get dressed up for it. So we shopped for a dress that could be used for more formal functions and a pair of shoes that we would agree on. The dress was a find both for style and price. She liked the dress’ look and I liked the length of the skirt and the shoulders. The shoes were a little more of a debate because she wanted a real heel on the shoe. We found a compromise shoe with a chunky heel. She had her hair cut and put up in pin curls the day before. She slept with the pins in so her hair would be beautiful the next day. No make-up was allowed nor did she ask for any. She borrowed my pearls and wore her Lion King charm bracelet.

(for the Visually Impaired: This is Caroline standing in front of a tree. She is wearing a pink dress with black lace over it, black tights, and black shoes. She is wearing a pearl necklace around her neck and a charm bracelet on her right wrist. Her hair is down in long curls. Her head is slightly tilted and she had a bemused smile on her face)

She looked so grown-up to me. And not only me but the people at the bear auction that have seen her since she was a baby. They see her once a year and catch up on family news as I catch up on their family news. It uses to be that when she dressed up, she looked like a very young child in a party dress. Now I can see the beginnings of the teenager and young lady that she will become.

But there are other times I can still see the very young kid in her. Peter and Caroline beat Kaos in Skylanders yesterday evening. It was a group effort with my help taking figures on and off the platform. In the end it was Trigger Happy with a Machine gun that did the deed. She was so excited that they got through a section that had just not worked before. But they had been building up the characters and planning strategy together for a couple of weeks for that attack. She was still beaming about it this morning.

Yesterday morning I came down to a sound I hadn’t heard in a while, the roar of the dinosaur. She was happily playing with her plastic dinosaurs on her prehistoric play mat. I listened to her telling a story as she played. There were two sets of dinosaurs that weren’t getting along and it was the fault of one dino that was a bully. There was a fight and a lot of roaring before the conflict was resolved and they joined to take care of the meteor heading their direction.

I know my baby is now a little girl who is rapidly becoming a big girl and heading to adulthood. But I hold in my mind the images of her as a baby and a toddler and a preschooler knowing that when I blink, I am going to be looking at my teenager because I can already see that young lady standing in front of me.

Caroline writing in her diary

(For the Visually Impair: This is a photo of Caroline sitting with her legs up on the couch. She is wearing a black shirt with the Lion King logo on it and black pants. She is writing in her purple diary with a purple pen with a flower on top)

I am so very grateful that Caroline is in my life.


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