No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Monday Monday Monday

Posted By on March 26, 2012

Yes, it is Monday. Caroline goes back to school and the household goes into its weekly rhythm.

I feel out of rhythm. There are things that I need to do and things I MUST do today along with the usual things I want to do. I have been sorting them out in my head but I think I need to write them down to give myself some sort of schedule. There are the parts of the day locked in stone like when Caroline goes to school, that she has chorus so she has to be picked up at the school. She pretty much goes from there to her Kung Fu class. She gets home and I am off to bowling. This week I have the transportation duties because Peter is hitting some serious deadlines today for various projects.

I checked out a number of books from the library on various subjects which will leaded to the making of objects d’art. I found an interesting one on puppet making for kids that had a couple of really good projects I plan to keep in my bag o’ puppet tricks. I am going to try them with Caroline first to see what could/might go wrong. I do need to add a compass to my kit to get this to work.

There are times that I wish I could find a job that would use my research talents to their best. I am really good about finding information on a topic and distilling it down so it can be explain to someone else. Also I retain this kind of stuff and find myself pulling things out of my head I read in my 20s to help Peter with story elements. It sure helped as an editor and a fact checker.

There is a new version of book banning in schools and this one is much more subversive and has a current federal law behind it that was created to “save” the children from the more unsavory parts of the Internet (Children’s Internet Protection Act). So sites like “It gets Better” and the GLAAD site are unavailable because they are classified as sexual but sites like Exodus International and People Can Change are classified as religious and therefor are allowed. I remember in one school there was a hue and cry because information on breast exam was considered pornographic even though the site had no photos of naked breasts on it at all. Just information on how to do a breast self exam which is pretty important information. The scary thing is that the schools are buying these filtering programs and they haven’t a clue who is doing the deciding of what is fine and what is not fine. When complaints are brought up, it is a long and winding process through a metric ton of red tape to get a site unblocked. By the time it is done, the students that needed the information have graduated and there is a whole new reason that the site isn’t allowed. I am not saying that the Internet in all its glory should be allowed into our schools because there is a lot out there that doesn’t need to be in our schools, but I think the process of getting a website approved needs to be streamlined AND we need to look at what kind of information we are letting into our schools and to our children.

I swear the cats are in cahoots to try to trip me up today. They have been under foot all morning and they have food and water. I have given lots of pets to the critters but they want something, I just haven’t figured out what.

Project Runway, I finally saw the final show and it landed about where I expected considering the previous weeks show. Personally I thought that one person did better over all than the winner but I do understand why they went the way that they did since the winner did get robbed the first time round in my book.

It is deciding if it is going to rain again or not. I think I know what I am sorting out first this morning and then onto the next part of the list. Then onto the next thing until I get to those parts of the day that are already sorted out for me.

I have one team in the final four *sigh*

I am grateful for things that put me back in my groove.


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