No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday: This Week on Thursday

Posted By on March 22, 2012

Rather busy the past couple of days but I thought I would get this one in before the end of the week.

I had two new pieces in the Art Show at LunaCon this year.

One was a griffin and the other a Calot.

The griffin was at Caroline’s request. She wanted a griffin baby based on the Skylanders’ character Sonic Boom’s babies. After drafting the patterns, I decided to make another one for sale. It took me a bit to get the legs the way I wanted them so that the critter would stand up without help or plushie flop.

(For the Visually Impaired: This is a griffin. It is blue with a yellow beak. The tail has a little black fur tuft to give it a lion-like look. The wings are blue as well. The eyes are green with large pupils. It has long triangular ears on top of its head.)

The calot (which is from John Carter/Barsoom) was put together pretty fast but I used what I have learned from other stuff animals, I was able to make the pattern in good time. The skin was a lucky find at the fabric store. I thought about adding fangs but I am still of two minds about that. It has 6 six legs rather than 10 because I tried 10 and it was way too crowded so I understand why Disney used 6. I think the purple tongue makes it work.

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(For the Visually Impaired: This is a calot. Its skin is a brown sandy color with some slightly darker splotches at random places. He is “sitting” up on a plexiglass stand. He has 6 legs and a horseshoe nose. He has a purple tongue sticking out of his mouth)

So those are the new characters to the group.

This week was regroup week before I start on the next set of projects.


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